Board Coach &
Governance Development
Being in the practice of effective governance.
SaLT Catalyst Consulting created the Total Governance (TG) Model to cultivate shared governing knowledge, skills and abilities so that a board can effectively do its work. SaLT Catalyst Consulting coaches for high-performance governance and applies a peer-driven approach to support boards and councils in creating effective governance practices.
Why we govern.
Ask the mission-driven governance questions and bring greater clarity, capacity and confidence to a board/council as it operates to shape its organization’s future.
What we do to govern.
Ask the strategic and tactical (what, where and when) governance questions and allow boards and councils to be informed by diverse perspectives, but speak with one voice. Service on a board/council is on behalf of an ownership separate from those who lead. Proprietorship requires collective-stewardship from leaders.
How we govern.
Ask the how governance questions and encourage competent, trustworthy, respectful interactions that establish powerful relationships among colleagues. Design who the board is being.
“I had the honour of working with Sarah as part of a governance training session for our board of directors. Sarah is a caring, passionate, and dynamic professional with expert knowledge of governance and leadership theory and practices. Her facilitation style is engaging and compassionate to the extent that we all learned more about ourselves and each other by the conclusion of the training weekend and now have a roadmap to help us move forward effectively as a high-performance board. I look forward to continuing our work with Sarah as we develop the tools and frameworks to support our transformation.”
“FR: J’ai adoré collaborer avec Sarah. Elle a fait une différence marquée dans notre réunion de conseil d’administration. En effet, Sarah a su soliciter la participation de tous les membres, autant en présentiel qu’en ligne. Malgré des sujets parfois sensibles ou difficiles, elle réussissait toujours à nous amener à des réflexions réalistes, constructives et positives. Au terme de l’exercice, nous avions identifiés clairement nos priorités et étions motiver d’entreprendre la suite des choses. Un gros merci du fond du coeur Sarah!
EN: I loved working with Sarah. She made a great difference in our last board meeting. Indeed, Sarah knew how to solicit the participation of all members, both in person and online. Despite sometimes sensitive or difficult subjects, she always led us to realistic, constructive, and positive reflections. At the end of the exercise, we had identified our priorities and were motivated to undertake the next steps. A big thank you from the bottom of our hearts Sarah!”